Metete El Dedo Salsa Casino

Casino refers to Cuban salsa. Several Casino figures are commonly used in Rueda de Casino, even though several of them do not involve changing partner, and therefore make the Rueda less dynamic. Here is our list of common Casino figures, most of them with a video.

Casino figures:

  • Juana la cubana
  • arcoiris
  • Bayamo por Matanza
  • cangrejo
  • egoista
  • enchufla y adios
  • enchufla y rodeo
  • parte el brazo
  • preciosa
  • prima cruzada
  • quedatela



El Dedo is a classic Casino Miami move that starts in a Dile Que No. This salsa move also incorporates vacila and enchufla so it’s important to learn these basic patterns first. El Dos Cuban Salsa.

= Bayamo (city in Cuba)

Metete El Dedo Salsa Casino De

  • Casino refers to Cuban salsa. Several casino figures are also commonly used in rueda de casino if they are well known, even though they don’t involve changing of partner. Log on to Vimeo in this browser to watch the videos.
  • Casino refers to Cuban salsa. Several Casino figures are commonly used in Rueda de Casino, even though several of them do not involve changing partner, and therefore make the Rueda less dynamic. Here is our list of common Casino figures, most of them with a video.


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el dedo

= the finger


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Juana la cubana

= Juana the Cuban (Juana is a female name)



Metete el dedo salsa casino -

= Kentucky (state in the USA)


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ochenta y quatro

Metete El Dedo Salsa Casino En

= eighty four (84)


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puente doble

= double bridge


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= seventy (70)

Setenta is probably the most common Casino figure. Because it is so common, it is also commonly used in Rueda de Casino.

There are several explanations to the origin of the name seventy.
We understand that it was created in the seventies. And it is also possible that the names of the classic Casino figures refers to the streets in Miramar, Havana, where Rueda de Casino origined in the late 50s/early 60s. Some of the main streets are 70 (setenta) and 84 (ochenta y quatro).


Metete El Dedo Salsa Casino

Bonus video at, open to anyone.


setenta complicado

= complicated “setenta” (complicated seventy)


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= hat

sombrero is a common Casino figure. We have also listed it as a Rueda figure because it is commonly used in various Rueda combinations.

Metete El Dedo Salsa Casino


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= look at her (to Cubans this is more like check her out)

vacilala is commonly used in couples dance, Casino. We have also listed it as a Rueda figure because it is commonly used in various Rueda combinations.


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= rainbow



= fleet refugee


Bayamo por Matanza

= Bayamo to Matanza (cities in Cuba)



= crab



= selfish


enchufla y adios

= connect her and good bye


enchufla y rodeo

= enchufla and rodeo (connect her and rodeo)



= screw yourself


Esquina de Tejas

= Esquina de Tejas (“corner of tiles”, the name of a district of Havana)


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creator: Osbanis Tejeda (Deakocan Dance), who grew up in the neighbourbood Esquina de Tejas in Havana, Cuba.



= mountain



= eighty (80)



parte el brazo

= break the arm



= precious


prima cruzada

= crossed ‘prima’ (cousin)



= stay with her

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