Poker Tda Certification

The Poker Tournament Directors Association (TDA) has announced that it has introduced three more members into its board of directors. The board, which previously had five members, now has eight. Tab Duchateau, Jack Effel, and Neil Johnson have now joined the board’s existing members Dave Lamb, Matt Savage, Linda Johnson, Jan Fisher, and Mike Bishop.

  1. Poker Tda Certification Program
  2. Tda Poker Rules

Joining our Koala T Team is to become Poker TDA Certified! Go to the Poker TDA website and sign up for the certification test. Make sure to read through all of their FAQs so you don't miss any important information. KTPL will reimburse you only for the initial amount of $10 and after running your first tournament with us.

Widely acclaimed as the tournament director for the prestigious live poker event World Series of Poker (WSOP), Jack Effel also holds the post of vice president (international poker operations) for Caesars Interactive. While Tab Duchateau is the tournament director of Borgata Hotel and Casino, located at Atlantic City in New Jersey, Neil Johnson is the head (poker operations) for PokerStars Europe.

Poker Tda Certification

Savage, Johnson, David Lamb, and Jan Fisher together created the Tournament Directors Association (TDA), which has built the foundation for putting on successful poker events. In fact, many of the. TDA Summit IX was presented by Genesis Gaming, developers of the industry-leading Bravo Poker Room Management System, Bravo Poker Live, and Bravo Pit Management System. On Friday night attendees took a break and socialized over the members-only tournament in the PokerGO Studio courtesy of Faded Spade Playing Cards.

The Poker TDA is comprised of poker room personnel from around the world whose objective is to draft a standardized set of rules for poker tournaments. The following TDA rules supplement the standard or “house rules” of this card room/casino. The TDA is comprised up of a group of poker room personnel from around the world whose objective TDA MISSION STATEMENT To adopt basic standards, rules and procedures that will positively impact the Poker Industry by inviting tournament directors, players and media representatives to discuss, evaluate and review proposed rules.

TDA co-founder Matt Savage says that

the entire (TDA) membership has come to greatly respect Jack Effel, Neil Johnson, and Tab Duchateau for their wisdom and hard work in support of the TDA Mission. They literally bring a world of experience to the board and will help lead the association for years to come.

The TDA has over 2000 members from 41 countries all over the world and organizes a bi-annual summit. The next edition of this summit will be held at The Venetian, Las Vegas on June 26 – 27, 2013.

The purpose of founding the TDA was to bring about uniformity in rules governing live poker tournaments. The TDA’s poker tournament rules are discussed, modified, and improved upon at each TDA bi-annual summit. TDA rules are widely, though not mandatorily, used to govern live poker tournaments held at major venues.

The association comprises online poker room operators from different parts of the world, who aim at standardizing poker tournament rules. Those interested can read the Poker TDA’s tournament rules at

Those who are interested to join the Poker TDA can do so free of charge. They only have to visit and complete a simple online registration form. Once they become members, they will be notified of all Poker TDA events, including the bi-annual summit. As members, they can also take part in the discussions at the Poker TDA Forum.

2019 tda poker rules

Registered members of the Poker TDA can also obtain a printable TDA certificate on passing the TDA’s Level 1 Poker Tournament Director Certification Exam. This certificate will remain valid either for a period of two years or till the TDA conducts another exam based on revised TDA Poker rules. The Poker TDA revises its rules whenever it holds its summit meetings.

04 Sep

The rules of tournament poker play saw its latest set of changes last week when the Poker Tournament Directors Association released 21 edits to current rules, 1 new procedure and 1 new rule.

Poker Tda Certification Program

Here are the top five changes likely to affect players in the bigger events. With many smaller tournaments tending to follow suit also, these are well-worth remembering to avoid controversy or confusion.

1. Declarations. Card Speak at Showdown.

“Any player in the hand or not, should speak up if he thinks a mistake is being made in reading hands or awarding the pot.

This is number 12 in the rule book, and the last four words in bold have been added to effectively ensure that what was once considered a grey, ethical area is now a rule – you must speak out if you see a mistake being made.

2. Tabling Cards & Killing Winning Hand

“At showdown a player must protect his hand while waiting for it to be read.”

Number 13 in the book and one which has caused huge problems in poker rooms across the world. The dealer doesn’t realise that your pot-winning hand is still alive and they end up in the muck before you’ve collected the pot! The simplest way to prevent this from happening is to use a card protector – don’t remove it until the cards have been tabled or the chips are on their way to you.

3. Non All-In Showdowns

“A non all-in showdown is uncontested if all but one player mucks face down without tabling. The last player with live cards wins and he is not required to show his cards.”

This has always been considered a sensible, even standard idea, but often doesn’t happen in practice. Winning bets on every other street don’t require showing your hand so why should this change on the river? The new rule, number 16, now brings the sensible idea into the book.

4. Calling for a Clock

This rule, number 27, works in tandem with part of rule 2 which covers ‘Player Responsibilities’. Combining “Calling for a clock when warranted” and “any player in the event may request a clock” should have a positive effect.

There are many players who don’t want to call a clock on someone for a variety of reasons, but recent examples of players on the bubble tanking for 5 minutes or more while holding 7-2 offsuit in the hope that someone will go bust before them, have spurred the TDA on to dealing with the issue. Now it should be easier to call a clock on someone because you don’t have to be at their table to do so!

5. Methods of Betting: Verbal and Chips

Tda Poker Rules


“A: Bets are by verbal declaration and/or pushing out chips. If a player does both, whichever is first defines the bet. If simultaneous, a clear and reasonable verbal declaration takes precedence, otherwise the chips play.”

Although this is an apparently sensible rule - number 37 on the list - the definition of what is ‘simultaneous’ is still open to question and interpretation, most often when a player ‘throws’ his chips onto the table rather than shoving them across the felt. Much simpler would be a rule calling for a verbal raise only, or alternatively tightening up the rules to prevent ‘tossing’ chips out.

The Poker TDA describe themselves as “an open-source, non-aligned, voluntary organization dedicated to improving the poker tournament experience.” For a full list of the new rules click here. The new rules were debated back in June at the Poker TDA summit VII held at the Aria resort and Casino in Las Vegas.

Source: Via Pokernews